Australian Pastel Artist | Studio Gallery

Grace Paleg is an Australian artist and teacher who specializes in the medium of pastel.
Her skills have earned her a number of awards and acclamations.

Pastel Classes & Workshops

Learn with Grace

Grace teaches regular drawing and pastel classes for local students at her air-conditioned studio gallery in Surf Beach NSW. 

Grace Paleg pastel painting The Road to Durras

Rating: 5 out of 5.

“Learning pastel painting in the late sixties is no mean task. You need a master pastelist and a guru, who could not only teach an old horse new tricks but also build his confidence. Who better than Grace Paleg. An amazing human being, a master painter and a composed teacher. Few sessions with her and I am now all set to pursue my passion further.”

— Gajinder Oberoi

Rating: 5 out of 5.

“During my time on duty for the pastel exhibition, I spent as much time as I could looking at your work. is truly beautiful the way you use your colours is exceptional. In fact I am in quite in awe of how you do what you do keep going I think your work is exceptional”

— Lorraine W

About Grace

Grace Paleg is an Australian artist and teacher who specializes in the medium of pastel. She spent seventeen years in country Victoria before a move in 1994 to the south coast of N.S.W. where she opened the Grace Paleg Fine Art Studio Gallery two years later.

Grace Paleg is a Fellow and signatory member of The Australian Guild of Realist Artists

Prints now Available

© Copyright Grace Paleg ©

See a collection of works on display anytime at Grace’s Fine Art Studio Gallery at Surf Beach, on the beautiful NSW South Coast

Visit the Studio Gallery

The studio gallery is open by appointment anytime, please contact Grace Paleg if you are visiting the area.

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